I had planned to do a wonderful post on Pat Riviere-Seel's reading and discussion at City Lights bookstore yesterday and had it all set up with numerous links and photographs. After a good while of work getting the images and words arranged as I liked them, I tried to paste in another poem, and lo and behold, the whole page vanished.
So, Pat, I'm sorry. I don't have time to re-do this page, of which I was so proud. But I am going to post the photos from our morning in the Regional Room, which you described as "magical." For you readers who don't know Pat's work, please go to this link on My Laureate's Lasso blog for an introduction to her work and, best of all, more poems.
Here's the bookstore cat, snoozing on the top of the sofa as we were leaving. Pat said she especially wanted a photo of him, so here he is. I wonder if our discussion put him to sleep? |
Our reading and discussion circle in the Regional Room. Nobody looks asleep in this group! Except for the cat, of course. You can see him sprawled just behind Carolyn Elkins' head. |
Pat, flanked by poet-friends Susan Lefler, who drove over from Brevard, and Jeannette Cabanis Brewin. |
Pat discusses the process of writing The Serial Killer's Daughter and the mystery of entering into the internal landscape of her characters' lives. |
Bill Everett, poet, novelist, and retired professor of theology and philosophy reminds us the the origin of "mystery" comes from the Greek "mysterion," meaning something that is unknowable. |
Carolyn Elkins, Joyce Foster, and Pat Montee like what they hear. And they weren't the only ones. We are grateful to City Lights Bookstore for letting us use the Regional Room for our monthly gatherings--and grateful to Netwest for inspiring us to bring Coffee with the Poets eastward to Sylva. |