Rain has settled in for the next couple of days. Our garden loves it, but right now I want to light every candle, every votive and lantern I have in the house. "More light!" as Goethe reputedly said on his deathbed. I'll gather up my matchbox and wander around to every candle I have, striking a flame, watching it grow from the wick. Outside the gray clouds hover; inside the small flames dance.
Hi Kay, It looks like the middle of nowhen in Winston-Salem, too. And I'm playing a waiting game. Big news soon. Helen
I am trying to take this rain in stride, not become water-logged. I know this is a rain that will awaken...that will shake and cause a stir. My forsythia seemed to be smiling when I pulled in the driveway.
Yes, the rain has settled in, and although I am beginning to feel a bit water-logged myself, our garden is happy--our beets have sprouted and our chard! Hooray. We were about to give up on them. The broccoli is happily spreading its green flippers (or flappers?) and the spinach is coming on strong. Now I'm waiting for the Red Russian kale to make its appearance.
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