30 Awesome Poetry Blogs You Aren’t Reading Yet Posted by admin in Resources on Dec 31st, 2009. It’s time to update your bookmarks and check out these great sources of innovation and poetry. Many of these blogs are under the radar but it doesn’t mean their authors are any less reputable or exciting to read. In no particular order:
1. Poems and Poetics – Jerome posts his own texts as well as work that has influenced him throughout his life.
2. How a Poem Happens – Read up on poet interviews and learn how they go about making their art.
3. Amy King - Read up on excellent social commentary relating to poetry and also occasional poems by the author.
4. One Poet’s Notes
– Edward Byrne is a great blogger with many unique perspectives and commentary on contemporary literature.
5. Blogalicious – New Jersey poet Diane blogs about life and literature.
6. Out of the Woodwork – Brian speaks about his life, interests and of course poetry. 7. Wanderer Thoughts - Dragon blogger writes all types of poems. Updated frequently.
8. The Poetry Foundation – Fantastic resource which covers all things poetic including columns and news.
9. Poet Hound – Cozy little blog with open submissions.
10. The Poetry Resource – Patrick has been managing this site for well over a decade, full of resources.
11. Sherry Chandler - Sherry is an award winning poet who resides in Kentucky.
12. Indie Feed Performance Poetry – Don’t ever forget spoken poetry’s beauty. Listen to user submitted performances of great poems here!
13. Surroundings – Rob is a Scottish poet that also uses his blogs for literary reviews.
14. They Shoot Poets, Don’t They? – Nick is a lovable Canadian poet.
15. Chicks Dig Poetry – Sandra contributes to The Washington Post
16. Funny Rhymes and Poems – Puns, puns and more puns over here.
17. Jake Adam York – Jake is a professor from the University of Colorado Denver.
18. American Life in Poetry – Pulitzer Prize winner and former poet laureate Ted Kooser writes here.
19. Chicken Spaghetti – Amazing site for kids with a poetry section.
20. Mark Doty - Mark’s blog is a mix of online poems and his own personal work.
21. Rooted – The author’s slogan is to not worry about the inner meanings of their text, just enjoy it.
22. Robert Peake – Robert’s personal blog is a plentiful source of enjoyable poems and ideas
23. World Class Poetry – Allen provides insight and commentary in contemporary poetry.
24. Me Tronome – Larry is the curator of the Myopic Book reading series in Chicago.
25. Betsy Lerner – Betsy writes about the ups and downs of the publishing process (mainly the downs).
26. Poetry Chaikhana – Huge collection of poems from around the world.
27. The Amandzing Way – Source for vibrant South African poetry.
28. Read Write Poem – A large community for poets who wish to share, learn and discuss.
29. Mike Snider - Mike reviews, comments and speaks about poetry daily.
30. Here, Where I Am – North Carolina’s poet laureate Kathryn writes about poetry and her life.
5. Blogalicious – New Jersey poet Diane blogs about life and literature.
6. Out of the Woodwork – Brian speaks about his life, interests and of course poetry. 7. Wanderer Thoughts - Dragon blogger writes all types of poems. Updated frequently.
8. The Poetry Foundation – Fantastic resource which covers all things poetic including columns and news.
9. Poet Hound – Cozy little blog with open submissions.
10. The Poetry Resource – Patrick has been managing this site for well over a decade, full of resources.
11. Sherry Chandler - Sherry is an award winning poet who resides in Kentucky.
12. Indie Feed Performance Poetry – Don’t ever forget spoken poetry’s beauty. Listen to user submitted performances of great poems here!
13. Surroundings – Rob is a Scottish poet that also uses his blogs for literary reviews.
14. They Shoot Poets, Don’t They? – Nick is a lovable Canadian poet.
15. Chicks Dig Poetry – Sandra contributes to The Washington Post
16. Funny Rhymes and Poems – Puns, puns and more puns over here.
17. Jake Adam York – Jake is a professor from the University of Colorado Denver.
18. American Life in Poetry – Pulitzer Prize winner and former poet laureate Ted Kooser writes here.
19. Chicken Spaghetti – Amazing site for kids with a poetry section.
20. Mark Doty - Mark’s blog is a mix of online poems and his own personal work.
21. Rooted – The author’s slogan is to not worry about the inner meanings of their text, just enjoy it.
22. Robert Peake – Robert’s personal blog is a plentiful source of enjoyable poems and ideas
23. World Class Poetry – Allen provides insight and commentary in contemporary poetry.
24. Me Tronome – Larry is the curator of the Myopic Book reading series in Chicago.
25. Betsy Lerner – Betsy writes about the ups and downs of the publishing process (mainly the downs).
26. Poetry Chaikhana – Huge collection of poems from around the world.
27. The Amandzing Way – Source for vibrant South African poetry.
28. Read Write Poem – A large community for poets who wish to share, learn and discuss.
29. Mike Snider - Mike reviews, comments and speaks about poetry daily.
30. Here, Where I Am – North Carolina’s poet laureate Kathryn writes about poetry and her life.
Ta Da! Well deserved (and I like the hat!)
Wow! Congratulations, Kay. You certainly deserve this honor and I'm sure your readers will increase once those who wander around in cyberspace find you through this listing.
You make us proud.
Well, Congratulations. It's one I read on a regular basis.
Absolutely not surprised one bit, I find all sorts of wondrous ideas here, words scattered like bits of bread someone has dropped to help me find my way.Congratulations!
Thank you all! Vicki, I bought this hat in Portland, OR during my summer visit. First time I've ever bought a hat for myself. I usually don't wear them.
This inclusion of my blog on the list makes me feel like a sluggard now for having let it go untended over the holidays. I'll have to get back to it.
hats off to you! :)
i read a few of the other blogs listed here as well. Awesome!
That is terrific, Kay. And you deserve it. I really love checking in often. It is hard to understand how you can keep it up and still write great poetry that we all devour.
Congratulations Kay. Your blog is my Number one favorite.
I'm with Nancy Simpson. It's my favorite, too!
I'm familiar with some of these, but others are new to me. What a wonderful honor for you! Thanks for all you do in the name of poetry; hope this brings many new opportunities.
What a great way to start the new year! It's good to see your time and effort being appreciated.
Newt, Nancy, Jayne, Joyce, Jessie, Julia, thank you for your comments. They make me want to work harder to improve this blog!
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